How powerlifting teaches me to be successful in business

What Powerlifting teaches me about business…?

You may well ask!

But honestly, there as so many similarities between these two seemingly separate activities.

With powerlifting it is all about consistency, it’s about the little things you do every week putting in the effort, following the plan.

You have to make sure keep pushing that little bit harder every day, and slowly you grow as you adapt to what is being asked of you.

Now swap ‘powerlifting’ for business.

With business it is all about consistency it’s about the little things you do every week putting in the effort, following the plan. You have to keep pushing that little bit harder every day, and slowly you grow as you adapt to what is being asked of you!


There’s more!

With powerlifting there is very rarely that ‘silver dollar’ moment where you lift an incredibly heavy weight out of the blue, and if you did you would most likely injure yourself and be unable to train for weeks. Like in business, there is very rarely that one big order that lands in your lap and if it did scaling up that quickly could ‘injure’ the business.

It’s all about the long haul, the late nights, the work when no one is watching, the wondering if it is actually working or not, the endless planning and preparation…am I talking powerlifting or business here?

And your mate stops you in the street and congratulates your ‘gains’ or your new car never truly understanding the hours of work that have gone into those external symbols of ‘success’.

But ultimately with both business and powerlifting, you only truly make progress if you work hard at it. Every. Single. Day.

So that’s what we’ll do.


Written by Sam Cox, Sports Therapist and Founder of Active Potential Therapy